Tuesday, November 4, 2008


First of all, if you don't know what lollygag means, it's fooling around.
Another funny word; hornswoggle means cheating. And ishkabibble is a dismissive statement.
I'm having a lot of fun with words today :D

From Friday to Saturday I slept 3.5 hours. We were going to Madison Saturday morning and I wanted to bring my new camera, right? But then I needed to take the pictures that was on the camera and put them on my computer, but before I could do that I had to install this software, and then transfering all those pictures took... FOREVER... I wasn't ready to go to bed untill 3.30.AM and then Kristin woke me up at 7. We were going to Farmer's Market... And we went to Trader Joe's and the World Market. The world market was a neat store. It had things from all over... :P Gingerbread cookies from Sweden, VOSS from Norway, even sparkling water from Norway. It was just like Farris <3>

And on Sunday I had to do some extra credit chemistry work, because I changed classes, so it was a lot of stuff I needed to do, and I was working with it, for a LONG TIME. I did my make up homework untill 4.am. FOUR IN THE MORNING. And I wasn't really done, I just fell asleep cause I was soooooooo tired. And then I was up again at 6... Man, Monday was a funny day, I'm telling you. The two first classes was really energizing or something. I don't know. I had like a shit load of energy in those classes. Not like a hyper active, ADHD-kid. It was just insane. Like I was on crack, marijuahana, ecstacy, methanol. You name it. I was crazy!
And then the energy just died... From third hour and out I was slowly getting more and more tired.

Then I got home and I decided not to sleep, I wanted to stay awake and go to bed super early instead. But around 6 I fell asleep, without really knowing it :P and then Kristin got home and it was dinner..
And I wasn't tired anymore, you know. So Lars and I watched Leno, and Conan Brian, Letterman and the British guy...
Leno is the best talkshow/liveshow, especially on Mondays, cause that's when it's Headlines... hehe. That's really funny, you should watch it sometime.

Well... What else is new?
I'm watching the presidential thing right now. In less than three hours we have a new President and I know, you're not suppose to talk about your own political choises, specially now, but I'm totally hoping for Obama.
But then again, you can't vote based on Presidential candidates this time. McCain is gonna die before his four years are over, and Obama is gonna get killed, so you're actually voting for Vice-Presidents; Palin and Biden. And Palin is just... STUPID !
"I can see Russia from my house." Come on, seriously? You're trying to win votes so you can be the next vice-president, and that's what you come up with. Russia? What you can see from your house? Oh, and she was Miss Alaska. Not only is the music business turned upside/down because of looks, but when politics are going the same direction. This can't be good.
I don't know what yo say about Biden, but he's definitely not as stupid as Palin. Just because of that, he has my vote.
I know I can't vote, but you know how it is... :P People always has an opinion, so there you know how I'm thinking.

The thing I worked on, my chemistry make up thing; it got me up from and F to a B :D Just because of that one thing.
Roosevelt served three terms as president btw. Lars wanted me to let you guys know.
Back to my chemistry achievement. From a F to a B, just because of one assignment, and the other great thing about it, since it's two months late, they only counted as 80% as full score, so guess what !
I'm super sadisfied :D
My 1st quarter grades are sooo much better than my mid-term grades. Every "old" grade is now omproved, if possible. I think I'm kind of proud of my grades, for the first time in history... :P
(That was almost like the Raining Man song lyrics... hehe)
The only thing I'm not so happy about is my American History grade, but all the other grades are gonna be ass-kicking.

I'm sorry for my language btw. But there's something with "butt-words"...
(Butt actually means gun thing, but the bottom-back thing. Hehe)

Anyway it's almost Thanksgiving now.... And we're going to Chicago, yeah..........
Thanksgiving is 27th, and that's Stefan's birthday too.
And even though it's in November, I can still wear shorts. It's really cool. And then suddenly one day it's freezing again. Like there was some days back a week ago when it was sooo cold, I was wearing mittens inside, but now it's warm again. It's very cool So even though I'm in Wisconsin, THE coldest state in USA, we can still wear our summer outfits :D

And I have a new blog, about "interesting" stuff, and a Flickr.
My blog is kind of secret, if you want to know it, ask, but my Flickr is open for everybody. If you don't know what it is, it's a place on line where people put out there pictures and then other people can make comments and tell you like pros and cons about the pictures. So, my Flickr; http://flickr.com/photos/camillamichelle (it would be awesome if you could leave a comment, and I do already know that I'm not a very good photographer, so don't be dissapointed.)

Go Barack !

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