Monday, July 28, 2008

story telling and no photos...

First it was a lot of writing, then it was a lot of photos... now the stories are back...

Things to tell about.... aaaah....
Daniel have learned to talk in squares. It's something we created because I think Norwegians talk in squares and hard corners while Americans float... So now Daniel can talk Norwegian-English.

And last night he also went inside a dryer... That was fun, I think... I wasn't there to watch, but I saw the pictures and it looked like it was fun.

Volleyball tournament last night too. My class, A1 Alligators, won the first game, but lost the second, against Christoffer and Marie, class D1. They won the entire thing. When they played against the returnees and the EF staff at the end, then they lost. It was too late then of course, they had already won it all...

It's freezing in our room BTW. I am a heavy sleeper and I weak up at least twice per night, because of the cold... brrrr! and I also woke up in the middle of the night because of some heavy rain. It was insane... Yeah, it rains a lot.

I made a "date" with Christoffer for breakfast this morning at 8:00, but guess what..? At 8:10 or something Ingeborg came knocking on my door, and that was what woke me up. So much for that date.

Scheiße !

I am eating breakfast every morning. I am very proud of that... And it's a lot of fun eating here. It's a big cafeteria with a lot of food and drinks to chose from. We have also started this chain where we write on the napkins for the next one to come and use...

Tonight we're going to The United Skates of America. Ingeborg and I are going to make a music video there we think... Hopefully Daniel and Christoffer are going to join us as well. Unless Christoffer wants to hang with his Austrian girls. (That's was yelling !)

Now it's time for more school.... and I hate it :D
And I can not say this enough obviously.. LEAVE COMMENTS ! Please !

Enjoy you hot weather in Norway, and I'm going to enjoy the rain over here

Love is in the mailbox :D

1 comment:

Christoffer Pedersen said...

Volleyball tournament var mooooro : ppppp - spesielt fjeset ditt etter vi vant :o tehe